Thursday, February 24, 2011

a late valentine

Valentine's Day has come and gone, but I hope it's not too late to spread the love:

Have a chocolate covered strawberry!

What do you think of this for a doll quilt?
  It's 18 x 18.
Does it need more blocks?
Does it need borders?

I added more zig zags to this top. Again, it's from leftovers. Not sure what size it will end up being.
The blocks are 3" finished, so if I do the math, this is about 21 x 30.
 I have some green borders for this.

Don't get too close to the screen:. there's been a lot of coughing going on around here. This has messed up our vacation/travel plans.... waaah!

Friday, February 4, 2011

After the snow

Here is my snow storm quilt trying to keep the Silver Blur cozy. I was working on this during the snow days using the never-ending pile of leftovers from the triple rail experiment.

This measures about 48 x 48, and I think I am going to make it into a wall hanging for our pink dining room. It goes into the "Needs to be quilted" pile, which is huge.

It's a beautiful sunny day today but super cold. The snow piles are solid ice.

I thought I'd pick a better name to sign in and out with. Big Sis and Old Sis didn't seem quite right, although I am Big and Old.
"Old Patchy" appealed to me, because I"m feeling very worn to bits, but that didn't seem too positive.
And then I thought of my old friend, Raggedy Ann, and "Raggedy Sister" sounded good.
So that's it.